The discovery of the role the Phenomenon Objective plays in the functioning of the human brain

Proposal for spectacular breakthroughs in your business

Real breakthroughs do seldom occur.

Over the course of my (Hans Damen) 40 years' experience of consulting on innovation and policymaking for a wide range of enterprises, I often achieved spectacular results.
Spectacular because all parties were satisfied, little effort had been required and the results had been achieved within a short time.
I decided that it would be beneficial to humanity when I would enable many people to bring about such spectacular results.
It therefore had to find out why I could achieve such spectacular results.
I discovered why.
That what I discovered is a breakthrough. (= the top of a hierarchy of future discoveries).

Following I give some insight in the character of possible breakthroughs and the approach I propose.

The discovery of “electricity” was a breakthrough.
This discovery was the mother of many new discoveries.
Entrepreneurs used knowledge of electricity to establish multimillion businesses producing

The discovery of “semiconductors” was a breakthrough.
This discovery was the mother of many new discoveries.
Entrepreneurs used knowledge of semiconductors to establish multibillion businesses producing

My (Hans Damen) discovery of

“the role the phenomenon objective plays in the functioning of the human brain”

is a breakthrough.
This discovery will be the mother of many future discoveries.

Entrepreneurs will use the knowledge of

“the role the phenomenon objective plays in the functioning of the human brain”

to establish businesses producing applications of this knowledge.

That what I discovered is in fact knowledge on that what is called “thinking” and represents a quantum leap compared to the current knowledge on that what is called “thinking”.

Obviously, this knowledge will play a major role in many discoveries and applications of these discoveries for many years to come.

My answers to the questions

have for example been deduced from this knowledge.

In many fields of life such as

one can actually observe that the absence of this knowledge stands in the way of sometimes spectacular breakthroughs.

I have reasons to believe that some of the many future applications of this knowledge might become the basis of a multibillion business.

I have created this website to bring the existence of this knowledge under the attention of any commercial enterprise

I offer such a commercial enterprise the exclusive right to use this knowledge for developing an application of that knowledge within an agreed period of time.
This period will be long enough to give that enterprise a head start on its competitors.

After this period this knowledge will be given to humanity.

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