The discovery of the role the Phenomenon Objective plays in the functioning of the human brain

A reader of this proposal wrote:

It is not clear to me what you really want.
Do you want to sell your knowledge or do you want to give this knowledge for free to humanity?
In your website you write that you want to get this knowledge out via “multidisciplinary workshops”.
Why not simply find a prominent writer who is willing to help you to put your knowledge into a book and publish this book?


My objective

My objective is to enable as many people as possible to benefit from

My original plan for giving my knowledge of these answers to humanity.

This plan consists of the following steps

  1. The transfer of my knowledge of the answers to the “basic questions” to the members of a workshop.

    In the past I have demonstrated many times, that

    • I can force each of the members of a workshop to
      • observe a key-aspect of the functioning of his own brain, and
      • to realise that that what he observes is beyond any doubt reality.
    • that I can subsequently make him to discover the role the phenomenon objective plays in the functioning of his own brain.

    within a few days.

    I did this via experiments and Socratic question-and-answer sessions in the setting of a small theatre with a stage, an auditorium and an audience (the members of the workshop) of about 12 people.

    They’ll never forget this.

    I will do this again and I will ask a professional writer to become a member of that workshop and to make a booklet in which he describes his observations on

    • that what happened in this workshop and
    • on that what happened in his own brain during these question-and-answer sessions.
  2. The transfer of my knowledge of the answers to
    the “other questions” and
    the “new questions”
    to the members of that workshop.

    During this second session of that workshop I will show how the answers to

    • the “other questions” and
    • to the “new questions”

    can be deduced from the answers to the “basic questions”.

    I will ask the members of that workshop to

    • improve,
    • complete or
    • falsify

    the way I deduced

    • the “other questions” and
    • the “new questions”

    from the answers to the “basic questions”.


    • the content of my answers to
      • the “other questions” and
      • the “new questions”
    • my demand for scrutinizing these answers

    the members of that workshop should be specialists from disciplines such as

    • Mathematics
    • Psychology
    • Eye-nerve-specialist
    • Philosophy
    • Language
    • Physics
    • Neurology

    I will ask the writer

    • to describe his observations on that what happened during this second part of the workshop.
    • to describe the answers to
      • the “other questions” and
      • the “new questions”
      the members of that workshop agreed upon and
    • to combine the answers found during the first and the second session of the workshop into a book.

    I predict that this part of my plan for giving my knowledge to humanity can be realised in practice.

  3. The transfer of the answers to

    • the “basic questions”,
    • the “other questions” and
    • the “new questions”

    from that workshop to humanity via publishing that book.

    That book should get a wide circulation to enable many potential entrepreneurs to read it. Thus enabling some of these entrepreneurs to discover an application of these answers; an application which could benefit many people.

  4. The publishing of that book is not likely to lead to the transfer of the answers to these questions from that workshop to humanity in any near future however.

    Simply because

    I therefore have abandoned this plan for giving my knowledge to humanity via publishing a book.

Forces which can influence the growth of the acceptance by people in society, that these answers describe reality.

People who want to have my knowledge of the answers to

must hurry, because my age is 83 (in 2018).

“Resistance to change” by people in society will manifest itself in society as soon as these answers to

are published.
“Resistance to change” is a force, which will drastically curb the growth of the acceptance by people in society, that these answers describe reality.

The “urge of an entrepreneur to earn a lot of money” is a force which can be used to stimulate the growth of the acceptance by people in society, that these answers describe reality.

This force can be unleashed by selling these answers to a commercial enterprise, which believes that it can discover, develop, produce and sell applications of these answers.
The commercial enterprise which bought these answers will boost the growth of the acceptance of these answers

While considering the effects of these forces it becomes clear, that the transfer of my knowledge of these answers to humanity has the greatest chance of success when this transfer is done via selling this knowledge to a commercial enterprise.

My current plan for giving my knowledge of these answers to humanity.

This plan consists of five steps.

  1. The sale of the answers to
    • the “basic questions”,
    • the “other questions” and
    • the “new questions”
    to a commercial enterprise, which
    • can sense in advance that this knowledge is likely to deliver a breakthrough for its own operations and
    • which is able and willing to organise multidisciplinary workshops through which my knowledge can be transferred to its organisation and later to humanity
    • which intends to
      • discover, develop andproduce applications of these answers and
      • to sell these applications in world markets.
    • which will allow the publication of the book, presenting the answers transferred to these workshops, as soon as it has established a commercially viable application of these answers.
  2. The transfer of my knowledge of the answers to the “basic questions” to the members of a workshop, organised by that commercial enterprise, will be conducted as described in the “original plan”.
    A prominent writer - who should be a member of that workshop - will be asked to put the answers transferred to the members of that workshop into a booklet.
  3. The transfer of my knowledge of the answers to
    • the “other questions” and
    • the “new questions”
    to the members of that workshop will be conducted as described in the “original plan”.
    The writer will be asked to combine the answers found during the first and this second session of that workshop into a book.
  4. The commercial enterprise will discover, develop, produce and sell an application of the knowledge of the answers to these questions.
    It will have the exclusive right to use this knowledge for an agreed period of time.
    This period will be long enough to give that enterprise a head start on its competitors.
  5. After that period the enterprise will allow the transfer of
    • the “basic questions”,
    • the “other questions” and
    • the “new questions”
    to humanity via publishing that book.
    The growth of the acceptance by people in society, that this book describes reality, will be helped by
    • the reputation of the commercial success of the application, discovered, produced and sold by that commercial enterprise and
    • by the content of that book.

    The growth of the circulation of that book will hardly be hampered by the “resistance to change” mentioned before, because

    • the commercial success of these applications will demonstrate that these answers describe reality and not some theory and
    • because the “resistance to change - lobby” in society will have few arguments against the existence of reality.

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